Dr Neelakantan Keshavan • Department of Design

Dr Neelakantan Keshavan

Assistant Professor


Curriculum Vitae

Interest areas:
Visual Culture, Spatial Culture, Pluriversal Design, Community/Participatory Approaches to Design, Interactive and Playful Furniture, Architectural and Interior Design, Home and Habitation, Embodied Knowledge, Sound and Music, Performative Arts, Practice-based enquiry and research, Design ethnography

Neelakantan’s critical and creative inquiries, instead of rooting within domains tend to be more in the form of lines of thinking which nudge or pass through Architectural Theorization, Design Theorization, Embodied Knowledge and Practices, Aesthetics, Urban Studies, Space, Place, Visual Culture, and Performace Studies. These lines tend to be particularly attracted to in-between and inter-disciplines and look forward to encountering Anthropology, Literature, and Philosophy.

© 2025 Department of Design, IIT Hyderabad

Last Modified Date on 19th March 2025