The following curriculum is the overview of courses available for B Des. However the courses offered in individual semester may vary.
** CI101 Clean India (1 credit) additional course is mandatory along with NSO/NSS/NCC
It can be taken anytime during the course duration.
Course Code
Course Title
DS1013 |
Elements of Design |
3 |
DC |
The course will look at the building blocks of design such as space /point / line/ shape / value / texture / form /color. To understand perceivable and non-Perceivable elements of Design, Explorations on individual elements. It will also deal with Design Drawing - different types and techniques of drawing methods and visualization. Understanding of various art materials, usage and visualization techniques. It will offer an overview of basics of balance, rhythm, harmony, contrast, axis, scale, proportion, size, line, plane, volume, pattern, shape, size, space, texture and materials. Understanding form and functionality correlation. Material explorations in 2D using wire, paper, etc. Basic colour theories and application of color modes such as additive and subtractive colours, and different colour models. Application of colour and colour mixing. (Hands-on course)
DS1063 |
Principles of Design |
2 |
DC |
A course about various design principles such as rhythm, balance, contrast, symmetry, emphasis, harmony, unity. Explorations on individual elements with respect to different Principles, mediums and styles. Also an overview of Design Process with Basics of Design Methods, Various theoretical insights on methods, Empirical and Visual methods, Methodology for documenting collective Activity, Design research and its argumentative grammer.
DS1070 |
Evolution of Design |
2 |
DC |
The course is an attempt to look at the history of design and major turning points that lead to what it is today. It also deals with the history of art and design from prehistoric to present. Understanding of design schools and key contributors for the evolution of design education and system.
DS1020 |
Design Culture and Society |
2 |
DC |
This course aims to employ the framework of design to look at social and cultural systems and practices. It also locates design as an evolutionary process within the social and cultural milieu. The course intends to bring out, both the self-organised and the intentional dimensions of Design.
DS1130 |
Film Appreciation |
1 |
DC |
This course intends to practically help participants to read a film beyond its on-screen meaning to understand its creative structure through the intentions of its makers and their effort. The course will give them a first-hand introduction on cinematic elements such as narrative, mise-en-scene, editing, cinematography and sound to help them understand how their sum contributes to the whole experience.
ID1171 |
Fabrication Lab-1 |
2 |
BE |
LA1760 |
English Communication |
2 |
LS |
BT1010 |
Life Sciences |
1 |
BT |
____ |
Total |
15 |
DS10113 |
Basic Product Design |
2 |
DC |
Design philosophy, Products, Product Design Process. Brief overview of morphology of Design, Phases in Design cycle, Identification of needs, conceptual design, Concept generation, screening, scoring, detail design, Design for manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA), product economics
DS10123 |
Basic Animation |
2 |
DC |
This course introduces to the principles of animation and how to physically achieve it using classic animation methods. The participant is also introduced to diverse techniques and materials in animation such as claymation, sand animation, stop motion etc. The course can extend to designing characters for animation.
DS10173 |
Basic Photography |
2 |
DC |
The course introduces you to the powerful medium of photography, the technical aspects related to the equipment and delivery of the content. It introduces to studio photography using artificial lights and street photography in natural light. It also introduces to composition and various storytelling techniques in photography.
DS10153 |
Basic Interaction Design |
1 |
DC |
An introductory course in interactive media and its possibilities to students of any background. How content can be generated, effectively create the information architecture and user experience in the digital medium.
DS10163 |
Basic Graphic Design |
2 |
DC |
The course introduces to the building blocks of visual communication, typography and graphics. Basic Graphics introduces abstracting visual information in the form pictograms, icons etc and together with typography it can create visual experience.
ID10054 |
Digital Fabrication |
2 |
BE |
2 |
Free Electives |
2 |
FE |
____ |
Total |
15 |
DS20012 |
Illustrations and Drawing |
2 |
DC |
The course introduces to the powerful medium of illustration which is an integral part of the visual communication. It exposes to the diverse uses and styles of the medium to create powerful content in various media from editorial content, children’s books, storyboarding, animation, graphic novels and many more.
DS20023 |
Basic Typography |
2 |
DC |
Typography is a specialized profession. In all settings such as static, dynamic or kinetic, a knowledge of typographic fundamentals is a key for effective communication. This course is aimed to introduce the fundamentals of letterforms and typographic practice to the students through progressive assignments. It motivates students to explore the theoretical and applied use of type and grid system as an integral part of visual communication. Objectives: To have a historical look at lettering and typography: Understanding the evolution of type design, type classification and typography. Understanding the natural form of typeface and its anatomy. Introduction to the formal elements of typography such as typeface, hierarchy, contrast, consistency, alignment, white space, and color. Understanding the grid system and layout design. A brief intro to the fundamentals of applied typography across applications.
DS20033 |
Introduction to Ergonomics |
2 |
DC |
Man Machine Interface, Anthropometry - techniques to measure anthropometric dimensions, and other attributes like vision and force parameters, Displays and Controls, Perceptual and Cognitive aspects in design, Sensory abilities, information processing, response limitations, physical/physiological limits, workplace evaluation.
DS20043 |
Programming for Designers |
1 |
DC |
This course expose to the basic building blocks of creating a digital experience. Learning HTML and coding is an essential component to understand the possibilities and limitations of the medium, for the designer to optimise user experience in digital medium.
DS20053 |
Storyboarding |
2 |
DC |
The medium of illustration to create/ plan visual sequences/ narratives for a diverse set of media from graphic novels, animation to film. It takes into consideration the characters and their interaction with space/ environment and light.
Electives |
2 |
DE |
2 |
Free Electives |
2 |
FE |
____ |
Total |
15 |
Product Design Electives: |
DS20062 |
Form Language |
2 |
DE |
Communication Design Electives: |
DS20073 |
Advanced Graphic Design |
1 |
DE |
This course extends to create powerful imagery merging text and images for a variety of visual media from print to digital.
DS20083 |
Print Making |
1 |
DE |
The course will aim to provide an overview of Printing processes in both traditional and modern forms. The scope of printmaking is vast. An introduction to various techniques and mediums like Screen-printing, mixed media, Lithography, Etching, Wood cut, relief printings, Xerox art etc.
DS20093 |
Product photography and studio lighting |
1 |
DE |
This course takes a deeper look at aspects of artificial lighting in a studio setup to shoot products and people.
Interaction Design electives: |
DS20103 |
Web and interaction |
1 |
DE |
An introductory course in interactive media and its possibilities to students of any background. How content can be generated, effectively create the information architecture and user experience in the digital medium.
Film and Animation Electives: |
DS20113 |
Elements of film making |
1 |
DE |
The course introduces to the elements that make up the film such as creating script, storyboarding, art direction, cinematography, lighting, sound, editing etc. It introduces to the technical aspects through hands-on experience in each of these elements.
DS20123 |
Script Writing |
1 |
DE |
The course introduces the basic elements of script writing such as Scene Heading, Action, Character Name, Parenthetical, Extension, Transitions and Shots. These attributes that give a film script text the format and consistency expected to be understood by all participants.
DS20133 |
Design for Sustainability |
2 |
DC |
The course intends to offer in-depth understanding and extensive analytical ability to map/assess LCA of products and reverse engineer design and manufacturing processes in order to minimize impacts and emissions.
DS20143 |
Universal Design |
2 |
DC |
As per definition, Universal Design is the design and composition of an environment so that it can be accessed, understood and used to the greatest extent possible by all people regardless of their age, size, ability or disability. The course is an attempt to understand the need for such services, products and environments and design and innovate for the same.
DS20153 |
Data and Information Visualization |
2 |
DC |
We are living in the age of information explosion. Designers can play an active role in making the huge volume of information intelligible to users. The objectives of the course are to understand the increasing quantity and complexity of data and information produced, to filter information, organize, represent, establish relationships and discern patterns, to develop inspiring and stimulating solutions to contextualize information that simultaneously inspire, inform, entertain and even encourage critical thinking.
DS20163 |
Sound Design |
1 |
DC |
The objective of this course is to introduce students to the process of recording, acquiring, manipulating or generating audio elements for diverse fields such as animation, advertising, film, performances, experiences etc.
DS20175 |
Project 1 |
3 |
DC |
2 |
Free Electives |
2 |
FE |
Department Electives |
4 |
DE |
____ |
Total |
18 |
Product Design Electives: |
DS20183 |
Materials and Design |
2 |
DE |
Introduction to traditional and new materials. Understanding of basic hand tools and simple machinery. Knowledge on usage, methods and techniques to achieve specific results. Hands on experience of sequential processes by explorations of different types and properties of material. Characterization, Testing and Selection of Materials like: Metals, wood, plastics, ceramics, Composite materials for different applications. Manufacturing processes using these materials.
DS20193 |
Computer Aided Design |
2 |
DE |
Introduction to mathematical Elements of CAD, Geometric Modeling in CAD, Curves, - Cubic, Bezier, and B-Spline curves, Surfaces, Ruled surface, Solid Modeling, B-Rep, Feature based Modeling, Generative Modeling, Graphical Elements in CAD, Devices, and Interactions for CAD, Visual rendering pipeline, Shading, Lighting, Materials.
Communication Design Electives: |
DS20203 |
Publication Design |
2 |
DE |
Extending the exposure in typography and graphics to create strong publications in print media in the form of magazines, newspapers and books. It introduces to the composition and layout of these publications. The course can extend to its applications in digital media.
DS30213 |
Branding and Identity Design |
2 |
DE |
The course objective is to understand brand strategies, market and to learn how to create strong identity design/ logos, print ads, stationery, business cards, that support and enhance the brand with the aid of various graphic applications and communicate the brands message to a larger audience.
DS 40093 |
Graphic Narratives: Genres of Literature and Products of Design |
2 |
DE |
The course intends to familiarize students with the complexities of the graphic medium, located at the interstices of design methodologies and literary analysis. The classes will allow participants to understand the politics and strategies of design in a world beset with strife, and will simultaneously acquaint them with approaches of narrative analysis / close-reading that uncover crucial subtexts.
Interaction Design electives: |
DS20223 |
UI & UX |
2 |
DE |
The course introduces to various types of user interfaces and its user experiences. The course allows the students to ideate and create newer models of user interfaces for usability, accessibility and sensory experience.
DS20233 |
Creative Coding |
2 |
DE |
The goal is to create visually expressive and experimental digital experiences to create games, entertainment, art installations, projections, sound art, advertising, tangible experiences, product prototypes, and much more.
Film and Animation Electives: |
DS20243 |
Character Design |
1 |
DE |
Design is considered as an important storytelling tool. The course highlights different aspects of designing and studying a character for illustration, animation, film, games, graphic narratives and web design. The course includes explorations of multiple illustration styles.
DS20253 |
Advanced Animation |
2 |
DE |
The Principles of Animation require practice for an animator to develop skills in this field. This course extends the basic principles used in areas such as Walk cycles, Animal movements, Morphing, Speech and Dialogues, Acting, etc
DS20263 |
Film Editing |
1 |
DE |
Film Editing is a creative as well as technical part of the post-production process of filmmaking. This course involves the activity of selecting scenes to be shown and arranging them together in a sequence with the use of timing to create a film.
DS30080 |
Semiotics |
1 |
DC |
Introduction to Semiotics elaborate on signs and symbols, as they communicate things spoken and unspoken. Its relevance in design and at large in culture and society will be discussed.
DS30093 |
AI in Design |
2 |
DC |
The course gives a broad perspective on applications of artificial Intelligence to advanced computer based design systems. Applications of techniques like Machine learning, Rule based systems, expert systems, Natural Language Processing in the context of Design. Design generation, analysis and Interpretation through expert systems.
DS30105 |
Project 2 |
3 |
DC |
2 |
Free Electives |
2 |
FE |
Department Electives |
8 |
DE |
____ |
Total |
18 |
Product Design Electives: |
DS30113 |
Embodiment Design |
2 |
DE |
The course is intended to develop understanding about the functional embodiment of the intended behavior. This also involves integration of multiple domains. Course Outline: Mechanism Design: Synthesis of mechanisms, Four-bar Mechanisms, Motion synthesis, Couplar curve synthesis, Rigid Body Guidance, Gears and Cams, Force Analysis. Arduino Programming, Introduction to AI.
DS30123 |
Applied Ergonomics |
2 |
DE |
The course intends to give an in-depth understanding of how the field of ergonomics can be applied in different design scenarios. How new techniques and digital technologies have influenced the practice of ergonomic studies. Industrial case studies will be discussed. A course project is carried out to apply the methods discussed in the real life scenario. Course Outline: Human Senses, Vision, touch, Auditory feedback, Applied Anthropometry, Strength performance parameters, Force, Torque, Reach parameters. Visual Search, Visibility, legibility, Digital Techniques in anthropometry: Photogrammetry; Laser scanning for anthropometric data collection, Size India project. Eye-tracking, Digital Human Modeling, Human Machine Interactions, Errors, Workplace Design.
DS30133 |
Nature and Form |
2 |
DE |
Nature has the largest pool of perfectly working resources of all types. Course intends to take nature based inspirations and explore for possible design solutions in various needs. Fundamentals of principles of design found in nature. Explorations in form, function and mechanism would be the major drive. Nature based design principles such as golden ratio, etc. and case examples of works of famous designers and architects.
DS30143 |
Furniture Design |
2 |
DE |
First module will expose students to furniture as an integral part of facility and comfort to humankind. To study famous furniture designers and their works from across the world. Art and craft movements and their influences on furniture design. Contemporary interpretations of furniture design using new age materials and themes of design. Second module will undertake a furniture design exercise with concept brief, interpretation and functionality, etc. The course delivery will be in the form of a design, build, and finish design project in our workshop. While doing this, an overview of tools and materials, joinery, furniture making techniques, hand tools, finishing, will be delivered. The machining and other workshop techniques and handling will be done in collaboration with the Materials course also.
Communication Design Electives: |
DS30153 |
Type Design |
2 |
DE |
The course extends to understand character of fonts in detail to create new fonts for a variety of media and in different languages.
DS30163 |
Graphic Narratives |
2 |
DE |
Graphic narratives offers an intricately layered narrative language that comprises of verbal and visual interaction on a page. This course highlights the creative process of developing a graphic narrative.
DS30173 |
Way Finding & Signage |
2 |
DE |
Signage is the design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message to a specific group. It is a scheme of way-finding tools that will help a user navigate within his choice of parameters and enable him to address the issues of finding any destination. This course aims to provide a basic understanding and an overview of Signage system design. The course shall also be exploring various kinds of way finding signage's such as Identification, Directional, Regulatory, and Informational with an extended understanding of how to create a well-structured path through visual and verbal cues through a structured design process involving case studies.
DS30183 |
Documentary Photography |
2 |
DE |
This course is a hands on experience through taking challenging topics from society and visually documenting through photography. It includes research and understanding of social circumstances, how to approach stakeholders and effectively tell a visual narrative.
Interaction Design Electives: |
DS30193 |
Digital Storytelling |
2 |
DE |
How information can be represented and narrated in the age of digital experience for a variety purposes from education to journalism. Convergence of media in digital platforms have made it challenging for designers to create sustaining story experiences in digital media. The course intends to create compelling narratives using possibilities of multimedia in digital world.
DS30203 |
Digital Heritage |
2 |
DE |
The physical experience obtained when people visit the monuments, will be translated to the digital medium and the aim is to recreate the digital experience much nearer to the original experience of the physical monument. And to create a knowledge base for the future, parallely communicating the form, style, design, culture and history to next generation. This is achived by using hiend technology like photogrammatry, laser scanning, 360 photography and high resolution photography.
DS30213 |
Design for Education |
2 |
DE |
The course looks at intervention through design tools, thinking and pedagogical methods to improve education. Creating innovative methods to make education fun for all. Analogue and digital methods are explored.
DS30223 |
Game Design |
2 |
DE |
This course deals with the art of applying design and aesthetics to create a game for entertainment, educational, or experimental purposes.
Film & Animation Electives: |
DS30233 |
Animatics |
1 |
DE |
An Animatic is an Animated Storyboard. It is a preliminary version of a film, produced by shooting successive sections of a storyboard and adding a soundtrack.
DS30243 |
Motion Graphics |
2 |
DE |
This course focuses on giving movement to graphic design elements by adding motion. Motion Graphics can be effectively used in Explainer Videos, Logo Animation, Applications, Mixed Reality Experiences, Interactive Installations, Credit Sequences of Films, Digital Marketing, Advertising, Web Graphics, GIF’s, Presentations and more.
DS30253 |
Film Making |
2 |
DE |
The course is a practical application of the elements that make up the film such as creating script, storyboarding, art direction, cinematography, lighting, sound, editing etc. How planning, costing and production work from scratch to create stories on screen.
DS30285/ DSDS40096 |
Project 3 / Internship (Alt) |
6 |
DC |
1 |
Free Electives |
2 |
FE |
Department Electives |
8 |
DE |
____ |
Total |
17 |
Product Design Electives: |
DS30283 |
Design Creativity and Innovation |
2 |
DE |
Today’s economy is an experiential economy where available designs are in competition. How to standout and survive? The efficiency is needed at all levels of the design and delivery using creativity and innovation. Translating the creative prowess into a real design delivery is the key today. Students will be given with thinking processes to come up with creativity in design stages. The expressiveness has to be unique and fitting in the mould of consumer insights, manufacturing, operations, disposal, economic and social relevance, etc. Design Thinking will be delivered to enable students ingenious solutions.
DS30293 |
Product Semantics |
2 |
DE |
The course is intended to build a broad understanding of the interactions and behavior of the users with products through which they explore the associated meanings. By understanding this process, the designers can craft unique experiences. Course Outline: Introduction to semantics. Sign, symbol, index, Cognition and emotional aspects of Design, Semantic Transfer, Affordance, Principles of Product Semantics: Gestalt, Shape and form, Color, Materials. Understanding User Behavior. Cultural issues in Design.
DS30303 |
Life Cycle Analysis |
2 |
DE |
An attention towards environmental impact consideration wrt to a product / service / system has become imperative in increasingly degrading environment today. Hence a sustainable model of manufacturing / service has been accepted as ultimate goal. All aspects around it has come under scrutiny and methods are being devised to address them. Industrial revolution brought consumerism however it has resulted into a climate change nightmare. Conventional regulations cater to only emissions / pollution by a product but in recent times impact has been noticed on several other aspects of ecosystem. Hence a Lifestage based impact assessment is needed. Manufacturing processes are adopting to LCA referenced methods to improve on impacts.
DS30313 |
Automobile Design Explorations |
2 |
DE |
The course intends to deliver skills of visualization and design delivery for the need of mobility. Utilizing core subject knowledge competence with creative blend for automobile design and development of mobility solutions across personal to mass transportation. Elements of engineering, anthropometry, ergonomics, alternative energy systems, materials and styling would be used to amalgamate and come up with innovative ideas to address complex requirements. The course embraces the design and development process by user research, scenario study, applying new materials, utilizing cutting edge technologies to address the changing paradigm. Explorations and design process would be emphasized to come up with fresh ideas in initial stage. Further student would move to solve comfort, functional, safety and technical requirements and refine the design in physical and digital mediums for a final design solution. It is a challenging process to achieve good design and would require in-depth attention towards development of form, function and innovation for achieving future-ready rewarding mobility solutions. Lectures would be supported by hands-on exercises, field study, research and model making.
Communication Design Electives: |
DS30323 |
Spatial Design |
2 |
DE |
Designing a conscious, pleasant environment in public and private spaces considering all aspects of sustainable practices in Space, Architecture and horticulture.
DS30333 |
Product Graphics and Packaging |
2 |
DE |
This course intends to expose to various packaging techniques and push further to create sustainable packaging practices for future. The course also expands to packaging presentation through product graphics for retail and other environments.
DS30343 |
Contemporary photography |
2 |
DE |
An advanced photography course to understand develop newer storytelling practices within the area of photography. Various experimental methods are explored.
DS30353 |
Advertising |
2 |
DE |
The course objective is to gain hands-on skills required in the industry by learning basics of advertising, mode and mediums of advertising using diverse techniques of print, animation, film etc to create compelling messages. The objective would be to create full marketing campaigns where the idea and the theme will communicate a particular set of messages to create awareness.
Interaction Design Electives: |
DS30363 |
Tangible Computing |
2 |
DE |
A tangible user interface helps a person interacts with digital information through the physical environment. The purpose of TUI development is to empower collaboration, learning, and design by giving physical forms to digital information, thus taking advantage of the human ability to grasp and manipulate physical objects and materials.
DS30373 |
Service Design |
2 |
DE |
This course will give an overview to create / improve an existing service by keeping in mind user’s and customer’s needs. It will include creating a process design, organizational design, information design and technology design.
DS30383 |
Participatory Design |
2 |
DE |
This course expands horizons for communication designers to convert the medium from passive to active. Earlier user was a passive entity in the process of information dissemination. How to co-create compelling information experiences with the participation of the audience is the aim of the course. The outcome could be in the form of games, performance, live data visualizations etc transcending physical experience to digital experience.
DS30393 |
Virtual Environments in Design |
2 |
DE |
To introduce tools and methods for creating 3D virtual environments and interact through visual, haptic and aural modalities. Also Introduce basics of visual and haptic perceptions, devices, Virtual Reality (VR) technology and applications. The course also aims to provide hands-on experience of creating simple 3D scenes using open source 3D graphics library – OpenGL/Unity3D for graphics and OpenHaptics/H3DAPI for Haptic interactions. Course Outline: The course content is divided into two sub topics viz. Computer Graphics and Haptics Computer Graphics: Input and Output devices, Transformations: Translation, scaling, Rotation, Homogeneous co-ordinates. Combining Transformations. Viewing, Camera model, orthographic and perspective projections, Geometric modelling, Lighting, Texture mapping, Clipping. Stereoscopic Vision Haptics: Human haptics, machine haptics, computer haptics, Haptic rendering, algorithms, collision detection, Haptic Interactions
Film & Animation Electives: |
DS30403 |
Stop Motion Animation |
2 |
DE |
Stop motion animation is a cinematic process, or technique used to make static objects appear as if they were moving. This technique is commonly used in Claymation and puppet-based animation. This course offers a hands on experience of working with this medium.
DS30413 |
Documentary Filmmaking |
2 |
DE |
A documentary film a non-fiction film that aims to capture reality. The students will use videos, photographs and sound of real people and real events which when edited together, create a meaningful narrative experience.
DS30423 |
Visual Effects |
2 |
DE |
Visual effects (VFX) is a term used to describe imagery created, manipulated, or enhanced for any film, or other moving media that cannot take place during live-action shooting. VFX is the integration between actual footage and this manipulated imagery to create realistic looking environments for the context. This course offers an introduction to the design process for developing VFX.
DS30433 |
Experimental Animation |
2 |
DE |
This course offers the scope to define and invents new mediums of storytelling and expressions through animation. Some of the experiment outcomes of the course could be presented in mediums such as Sand Animation, Pixilation, Oil on glass, wall animation, projection mappings, etc.
DS30263 |
System Design |
3 |
DC |
DS40030 |
Design Management and IPR |
2 |
DC |
Essentially deals with the management of a design firm. Course looks at how the design industry works and process and logistics can be managed Keeping in mind the peculiarities of this creative industry.
DS40040 |
Professional practice |
2 |
DC |
This course covers the ethical, legal, and financial dimensions of working as a design professional.
DS40050 |
Entrepreneurship and Business Planning |
2 |
DC |
This course intends to provide a glimpse of the business aspect of design. The aim is to equip the students with the skill of drawing up and proposing business plans and start-ups.
DS40060 |
Design Research Seminar |
2 |
DC |
The peculiarities of research in understanding and practising design - the heuristic, creative and systematic approaches to doing research both in and through Design.
DS40085 |
Project 4 |
3 |
Hands on practice with a design related institution to gain experience in design work space and practice. The work would be presented/displayed in front of a panel of design faculty to considered for credit work.
Free Electives |
2 |
FE |
____ |
Total |
16 |
DS40115 |
Final Project (Thesis) |
12 |
DC |
It's the culmination of all the theoretical and practical learning applied to a final project for which the output could be in the chosen specialised area by the student. There will be a thesis component and final product / prototype based on the chosen medium.
ID40006 |
Ethics and Values |
1 |
SS |
____ |
Total |
13 |
1 |
Department Core |
49 |
2 |
Department Elective |
22 |
3 |
Projects / Internship |
27 |
4 |
9 |
5 |
Free Electives |
12 |
6 |
Basic Engineering |
4 |
7 |
Language and Life skills |
3 |
8 |
Ethics |
1 |
____ |
Total |
127 |
© 2025 Department of Design, IIT Hyderabad
Last Modified Date on 19th March 2025