Paper submission guide - ICoRD'25

Paper submission guide

  • Abstract submission (closed)
  • Full paper submission
  • Revised paper submission (open)

For any paper related queries, mail to

Copyright Transfer Form

We request you to read the instructions provided below and submit the PDF of the copyright form via Easy Chair latest by 22nd September 2024. Please note that for a given paper, only one corresponding author needs to fill out the copyright form. Please do not change/edit any other information in the document apart from the below-requested information. For any queries, please write to:
Instructions to fill up the copyright form are as follows:

Step 1. Please provide the following information in the copyright form:

  • Page no. 1, “Proposed Title of the Contribution”: Kindly provide the paper title
  • Page no. 1, Author(s) Full Name(s): kindly provide the name(s) of ALL the Authors of the paper (including the name of the corresponding author)
  • Page no. 1, “Corresponding Author Name”: kindly provide the name of the Corresponding Author (Please note that each paper can have only one corresponding author)
  • Page no. 5: kindly provide the name of the corresponding author, date, address, and email address. (Please note that separate blocks are provided for address and email)

Step 2. Print the document
Step 3. Provide the unambiguous signature of the corresponding author.
Step 4. Scan all the document pages and upload them to easy-chair as a single 5-page PDF format.

Please download the copyright transfer form here.

Permission Request Form

Please also note that if you have used any copyrighted material (i.e., images, tables, figures or substantial piece of text used verbatim from another document for which copyright is held by someone else) in your ICoRD’25 paper, we presume that you have obtained the permission for the copyrighted material. In case you have not taken the permission, Springer has provided a document named “Permission Request form” for the same and is available at this link . In case such permissions are taken, please email a scanned copy of the same to us at and “PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT the same in Easychair Tool”.

Revised paper submission instructions

Revised paper submission is open
12 Sept 2024 – 22 Sept 2024

ICoRD’25 Easychair conference tool will be opened from 12 September 2024 for receiving your revised paper. We require six documents from you to successfully complete this submission phase: –

  1. Your complete revised paper including figures and tables, in doc, docx or tex format. The paper should be formatted in the SPRINGER TEMPLATE provided and should be strictly within 10 formatted pages. Kindly note that the revised paper should have the following information.
    • Title
    • Authors’ full name, current affiliation, and email address
    • Abstract
    • Keywords
    • Main content
    • References

    If your paper extends beyond 10 pages, you need to pay extra charges for the publication. A maximum of 2 extra pages (including abstract and references) is allowed after the limit of 10 pages (i.e. the maximum length of the paper allowed is 12 formatted pages).

    • 50 USD for international authors
    • 1500 INR for Indian & SAARC authors.
  2. Your revised paper in PDF format.
  3. A single zip file containing all figures (JPEG image, file extensions jpeg, jpg). Image quality should be of at least 300 dpi.
  4. A scanned copy of your signed Springer copyright form in PDF format. (You will be notified once the copyright form will be available on ICoRD’25 website).
  5. A ‘Response to Reviewers’ file in PDF format. In this document, you should specify your response to each comment from the reviewers and indicate where and how the paper has been changed to take the comment into account. (An aggregated response to all the comments will not be accepted.)
  6. A document in doc or docx format, containing a single sentence of no more than 30 words stating the most significant findings from your paper. This line will be used later by the ICoRD’25 Programme Committee as part of a summary of the most significant findings from the conference.

Please submit all the above six documents by 22nd September 2024 11.55 PM IST. The detailed instructions to upload the above 6 documents are provided below:

  1. Login to your Easychair account at
  2. In the Author Console, click on ‘view’ button across your Paper ID.
  3. In the “Add or update files” section, you will already have your original submission file in this window. Please DO NOT edit your original submission. Upload the six files listed above, by clicking on ‘Choose file’.
  4. Click on ‘Submit’ to complete the submission. Apart from the original submission (which you should not remove or update), the tool allows upload of only 6 documents as specified above. Please ensure that the size of ALL files taken together does not exceed 100 MB.

In case you edit the title, abstract or keywords in the revised paper, kindly update the same on Easychair information section. If you face any difficulty in uploading your paper, please write to us at

Full Paper Submission

Easychair tool will be opened for full paper submission from 08 April 2024 onwards. Kindly consider the comments given on your abstract while writing the full paper.

In the existing EasyChair account,

  1. Kindly review the author’s information
  2. The paper should be formatted in the template provided (Word template/ LaTeX template) and should be within 10 pages. Templates and detailed author guidelines about the Springer template can be found in the Conference tool. (Submission->View-> Add File-> submission templates).
    Here is a sample document (model paper): Springer-model-paper.docm
  3. If your paper extends beyond 10 pages, you need to pay the extra charges for the publication. A maximum of 2 extra pages (including abstract and references) is allowed after the limit of 10 pages (i.e., the maximum size of the paper allowed is 12 formatted pages).
    A flat charge for extra pages (up to 2 pages) is as follows,

    • 50 USD for international authors
    • 1500 INR for Indian & SAARC authors.
  4. Submit your paper in PDF format only. (Submission->View-> Add File)
  5. Kindly do not include author details in your full paper, as the papers are planned to be blind-reviewed. Please leave the author details section blank. (i.e. ‘as is’ in the paper template)
  6. Before submitting your paper, kindly agree to the declaration checkbox. (Submission->View->Update information)
  7. Before submitting your paper, kindly declare conflict of interest if there are any. (Submission->View->Declare conflict)

Important points

  • All papers will go through a double-blind review process and reviews will be available by 15th August 2024.
  • Please note that all submitted papers will be evaluated by the International Programme Committee before a decision is taken.
  • The paper should describe original research (i.e., not published elsewhere), and must be written in English. Major plagiarism issues (including self-plagiarism) will lead to desk rejection of the submitted paper.
  • For each accepted paper, at least one author must register by paying the full registration fee and attend the conference in person to present the paper. Please note that ICoRD 2025 is intended to be conducted entirely in-person, without any option for online or hybrid mode.
  • Some useful guidelines to prepare your manuscript can be found in ‘How to Write a Paper’ by Mike Ashby

Minimum Eligibility for Consideration of a Full Paper for ICoRD

The following are minimally needed for a full manuscript to be considered for review for ICoRD:

  1. Acceptance of the abstract for ICoRD is only an approval for submission of full paper. It is not acceptance of the full paper. The manuscript for the full paper will be separately reviewed by an international programme committee before a decision on its acceptability is taken.
  2. Before submission of the full paper, it should be formatted in Springer Nature format (the format template will be shared after abstract acceptance).
  3. Each paper should be of at least 8 pages, and at most 12 pages in length in the above format.
  4. Maximum page limit without paying additional page charges is 10 formatted pages.
  5. With page charges the page limit is 12 formatted pages.
  6. Each manuscript needs to have the following included in the paper (although not necessarily in the order in which these are mentioned below or explicitly in so many sections):
    1. Objectives, Research Questions/Hypotheses:

      What objectives did it fulfil, and/or what questions did it ask, and/or what hypotheses did it test (you need to have at least one of these addressed in your paper).

    2. Motivation, Background:

      Why was the above objective, research questions or hypotheses addressed? What high level impact would the work have?

    3. Research Approach, Methodology:

      How did you try to fulfil the objectives, answer the research questions, test your hypotheses? What steps did you take?

    4. Findings:

      By following your research approach, what did you find? What were the results obtained? Did these address your objectives/questions/hypotheses?

    5. Summary and Conclusions:

      Summary summarises what has been reported in the manuscript. Conclusions critique a, b, c and d above: How good were your answers? How good was the research methodology? Did/will these fulfil the motivations? What were the limitations? What aspects are still to be done?

    6. References:

      You need to cite and critically review at least 8 peer-reviewed work from archival journals/conferences/books/reports in your manuscript and reference these in your list of references. ICoRD intends to publish original papers that report on the development of new knowledge of value to the academia and practice. In the full manuscript, therefore, you need to establish what is new that you report, and why this is important. You need to establish novelty and importance by reviewing earlier work published. Hence critical review of earlier literature in the area of the manuscript is essential to be included in the manuscript.

  7. A manuscript that includes only ideas and opinions is not acceptable for ICoRD. Since academic value is of prime interest in ICoRD, reporting on a commercial tool alone is not acceptable for ICoRD. Furthermore, in all papers, commercialism should be avoided.Typical papers in ICoRD report one or more of the following:
    1. A study exploring the nature of designs or designing, or how these are (currently) influenced by aspects of people, product, process, organisation, knowledge, tools, economy and ecology. These are ‘as is’ studies – how design works.
    2. A study exploring the development and evaluation of support (a guideline, tool, or any other recipe) for improving effectiveness or efficiency of designs and designing. These are ‘as should be’ studies – how design should be improved.
    3. A study on the development of a novel design that fulfils a clear and unmet need, often demonstrating use of various design support in this process of development.
  • All papers are expected to be original contribution to knowledge. A plagiarism check will be run by the publishers and any paper having more than 20% overlap will be automatically rejected.
  • No paper should be generated using AI, such as LLMs. The publishers will run an AI check and will reject any such papers with substantial overlap with content generated by AI.
  • If any support is taken by the authors from AI for developing any part of the content of their paper, this should be clearly declared in the Acknowledgement section of the paper, specifying the parts of the content that were so developed. The programme committee of ICoRD25 reserves the right to reject the paper if it deems the extent of support inappropriate and compromises the originality of the content of the paper.

Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission is closed

Prospective authors should send an abstract of their paper (300 words) including paper title and author details, by uploading the abstract on the conference management tool latest by 1st March 2024
Setting up through EasyChair, If you do not have an existing EasyChair account, please follow the instructions below:

  • Go to EasyChair
  • Click on “Create an account”
  • Enter the required information (i.e. first name, last name & email address)
  • You will receive an activation link to the email address provided
  • Click on the activation link and provide the required information (i.e. organization name, country, username & password)

Once you have an EasyChair account, do the following:

  • Go to EasyChair
  • Login into your account with your username and password
  • Enter as an author and submit the abstract
  • All abstracts will be checked for their novelty and relevance for ICoRD’25; all papers relevant to the conference with novel content will be asked to submit a full paper for peer review

The authors will be notified of the acceptance decision of their abstract by 15th March 2024, which can be checked by the authors by logging into the conference management tool on the website.

Built by Shantanab Das Copyright © 2025 Department of Design, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad. All rights reserved.